

David Kazmierzak

David Kazmierzak is Concertmaster of the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra. David has been with the orchestra as concert master for 18 years. Here are David�s words as to why the Bartlesville Symphony is important to him.

Music has been my second language, a means to be understood by those who would truly listen and respond in kind. It has made me multi-lingual and universal. Music allows me to forget the mundane and current issues, and thus, nourished, I then can return to life refreshed and encouraged. In its true form, there is no bigotry or intolerance in Music, it unites all in harmony and beauty.

I was eight years old when I began, and did so because my best friend had started and my father had a violin in the attic. I tried quitting in the eighth grade for two weeks, but life seemed so dull without that challenge that I restarted with renewed vigor It has never diminished.

A symphony, Bartlesville included, brings a refinement and quality to a community no other group can. We can stand alone, accompany the great artists of the world, play Opera, play for the Ballet, bridge the gap between every "genre" of music, classic and Pop. It is a superior example of "real team work", and a multi cultural experience. A community without such an organization is in some way, bereft. Music and Art exalt the Soul, the true inner world of Spirit.